Proficiency in Composing Persuasive Texts Utilizing Audiovisual Advertising Media for Grade VIII Students MTs. Al-Ishlahiyah Binjai


  • Evy Khairani Harahap STKIP Pelita Bangsa


Audiovisual Media, Persuasive Text, Writing


Ability to Write Persuasive Texts Based on Audiovisual Advertising Media in Grade VIII Students             MTs. Al-Ishlahiyah Binjai. The purpose of this study is to characterize the structure, linguistic conventions, and language use features of the ability to compose persuasive texts based on audiovisual advertising medium. This study falls under the category of quantitative description research. A written test is used as the research tool. The study's findings indicate that: (1) The ability to write persuasive texts is evaluated in terms of the following structure: students with scores between 78 and 100 made up 12 students with a percentage of (36.36%), while students with scores between 0 and 74 made up 21 students with a percentage of (63.64%) that placed them in the moderately capable category. (2) The ability to write persuasive texts is evaluated in terms of linguistic rules; students who scored between 78 and 100 added up to 18 students with a percentage of 54.54%, and students who scored between 0-74 added up to 15 students with a percentage of 45.46%), all of whom fall into the category of able. (3) Students who score between 78 and 100 on the language use characteristics are evaluated for their persuasive text writing skills. Of the students who received a score between 0-74, there were 15 with a percentage of 45.45%, and the remaining 18 with a percentage of 54.55% were classified as fairly capable. This demonstrates that eighth-grade MTs. Al-Ishlahiyah Binjai pupils possess the ability to compose persuasive texts based on audiovisual advertising media, placing them in the category of quite capable.  





