Internasional2024-07-30T16:46:40+07:00Open Journal Systems<p>Aims:</p> <p>JURIN – Journal International, the premier online destination for researchers, scholars, and innovators. Our platform provides a global network of professionals and experts in various fields of research, promoting knowledge sharing and collaboration on an unprecedented scale.</p> <p>Scope:</p> <p>JURIN - covers a wide range of topics in the fields of scientific research and management, including but not limited to:<span id="cell-44-title" class="gridCellContainer"></span></p> <ul> <li>Engineering and applied sciences.</li> <li>Business administration and management.</li> <li>Information technology and computer science.</li> <li>Analytics and data science.</li> <li>Finance and economics.</li> <li>Learning and education.</li> <li>Sustainability and environmental science.</li> <li>Administration and management of healthcare.</li> <li>Entrepreneurship and innovation.</li> <li>Management and operations research.</li> <li>Improvement and control of quality.</li> <li>Logistics and supply chain management.</li> <li>Geography.</li> <li>Law and Social Structure.</li> <li>Science of Biological Systems.</li> <li>Plant and Agricultural Sciences.</li> <li>Environmental Engineering and Chemistry.</li> <li>Environmental, ecological, and forestry</li> <li>Technology and Science of Food.</li> <li>Counseling and Psychology.</li> <li>Information science and libraries.</li> <li>Science of Exercise and Physical Education.</li> <li>Affairs Legislative.</li> <li>Mining and Geology.</li> <li>Project Studies and Entrepreneurship.</li> <li>Both astronomy and astrophysics.</li> <li>Biotechnology and Plant Science.</li> <li>Studies of Media and Communication.</li> <li>Fine Arts.</li> <li>Theory of Music.</li> <li>Science of Politics</li> <li>Dietetics and Nutrition</li> <li>Textiles and Fashion Design.</li> <li>The field of Applied Linguistics.</li> <li>Transport by Maritime.</li> </ul> <p>Our goal is to encourage cross-disciplinary research and foster collaboration among researchers from various backgrounds. Via the publication of high-quality original research, our goal is to advance knowledge and practice in this field and to support the ongoing advancement of science, technology, art, and management." </p> in Composing Persuasive Texts Utilizing Audiovisual Advertising Media for Grade VIII Students MTs. Al-Ishlahiyah Binjai2024-07-30T15:05:11+07:00Evy Khairani<p>Ability to Write Persuasive Texts Based on Audiovisual Advertising Media in Grade VIII Students MTs. Al-Ishlahiyah Binjai. The purpose of this study is to characterize the structure, linguistic conventions, and language use features of the ability to compose persuasive texts based on audiovisual advertising medium. This study falls under the category of quantitative description research. A written test is used as the research tool. The study's findings indicate that: (1) The ability to write persuasive texts is evaluated in terms of the following structure: students with scores between 78 and 100 made up 12 students with a percentage of (36.36%), while students with scores between 0 and 74 made up 21 students with a percentage of (63.64%) that placed them in the moderately capable category. (2) The ability to write persuasive texts is evaluated in terms of linguistic rules; students who scored between 78 and 100 added up to 18 students with a percentage of 54.54%, and students who scored between 0-74 added up to 15 students with a percentage of 45.46%), all of whom fall into the category of able. (3) Students who score between 78 and 100 on the language use characteristics are evaluated for their persuasive text writing skills. Of the students who received a score between 0-74, there were 15 with a percentage of 45.45%, and the remaining 18 with a percentage of 54.55% were classified as fairly capable. This demonstrates that eighth-grade MTs. Al-Ishlahiyah Binjai pupils possess the ability to compose persuasive texts based on audiovisual advertising media, placing them in the category of quite capable. </p>2024-07-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Evy Khairani Harahap Learning Framework Based on the Perspective of the Qur'an2024-07-29T20:11:34+07:00Suhaimi Zefri<p>The purpose of this study was to analyze and describe the design of the mathematics learning framework based on the perspective of the Qur'an. This research uses a qualitative approach, namely library research. The research data sources consist of references or literature related to learning mathematics in the perspective of the Qur'an, especially focused on algebraic concepts such as numbers, various numbers, and operations. In addition, one expert in the interpretation of the Qur'an was involved as a data source. The research data were analyzed using content analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that in the Qur'an there are various mathematical concepts that can be used. studied in more depth, and the Qur'an clearly provides an overview of mathematical concepts such as algebra, namely regarding numbers, various numbers, and number operations as well as various learning activities.Designing mathematics learning based on the perspective of the Qur'an is something that very interesting because it will be motivated to seek, study, and adabburi every thing related to mathematics to be correlated with the Qur'an. With this research, it can be concluded that learning mathematics based on the perspective of the Qur'an can help the learning process both theoretically and practically.</p>2024-07-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suhaimi Zefri Lubis Examination of the Students' Narrative Writings' Coherence and Cohesion in MTs. Nurul Furqoon Binjai2024-07-30T16:01:58+07:00Noni<p>This study aimed to characterize and explain (a) the coherence and cohesion of the English narrative writings produced by the study participants; (b) the coherence and cohesion of the study participants' writings; and (c) the challenges the study participants faced in producing coherent and coherent English narrative writings. This research was intended to be qualitative in nature. Thirty ninth-grade students from MTs. Nurul Furqoon Binjai participated in this study. Three methods were used to gather the data: instructor interviews, student questionnaires, and narrative writing assignments. The hypothesis presented by Halliday and Hasan (1976) was used to analyze the data. Grammatical cohesion (reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction), lexical cohesion (reiteration and collocation), and coherence were the three main areas of focus for the investigation. Based on the study's findings, (a) students created five different kinds of cohesive devices to help their papers be coherent, with the most common application being personal reference (70.77%). Next, it was succeeded by conjunction (28.51%), substitution (0.57%), ellipsis (0.14%), and lexical cohesion, which was employed in 137 items, with repetition accounting for 78%; (b) the students created coherence in the narratives by developing themes and the generic structure; (c) a few coherence issues were found, including those involving reference (personal, demonstrative), conjunction (additive, adversative, causal, temporal), and limited lexical item selection.</p>2024-07-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Noni Efrida of Self-Control In Maintaining Association For Overseas Students In The BKI Study Program UIN Ar Raniry Banda Aceh 2024-07-29T21:52:25+07:00Lula<p>Self-control is very necessary for nomadic students to help them in facing life in a new environment so that they can maintain good associations while migrating in other people's areas. Low self-control in a person will positively lead to adverse consequences, while a person who has high self-control will show more execution in completing certain activities. A person who does not have the ability to make decisions, will usually be easily influenced by the environment and peers to do bad associations. Therefore, this study aims first, to find out the picture of self-control in overseas students in the BKI UIN Ar-Raniry Study Program who come from outside the city of Banda Aceh in maintaining associations. Second, to find out the factors that affect self-control in overseas students in the BKI UIN Ar-Raniry Study Program who come from outside the city of Banda Aceh in maintaining associations. This study uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological research method. The research subjects were selected using the purposive sampling technique and 4 subjects were found that met the criteria. Data collection uses observation, interview, and documentation methods. The results of the study showed that the nomadic students who were chosen as research subjects were able to control themselves in terms of socializing well during their migration in Banda Aceh which can be seen from the aspect of self-control, namely being able to control behavioral control, cognitive control and decision control The factors that affect the self-control of nomadic students in maintaining socialization during migration include themselves, The surrounding environment which includes the residential environment/boarding house, the lecture and peer environment, and the parenting style taught from childhood</p>2024-07-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Lula Kartika'an-Based Mathematics Learning Design on Mixed Calculation Operation Materials for Grade 4 Elementary School (SD) Students2024-07-30T16:46:40+07:00Mardiyah<p>This research aims to develop a mathematics learning design in the form of integrated Al-Qur'an teaching materials on the subject of arithmetic operations for grade 4 students in elementary schools that are valid, practical, effective and appropriate. This research is development research using the ADDIE model. Based on the results of the research and development carried out, it can be concluded that 1.) The product produced is in the form of mathematics teaching materials based on the Al-Qur'an; 2.) The product validation test showed that if the percentage was 92.3%, the product was included in the valid category; 3.) The results obtained from this learning are different from ordinary learning, because apart from understanding the material on mixed arithmetic operations, students will also increase their knowledge of the verses of the Al-Qur'an which contain mathematical concepts; 4.) Based on the results of the effectiveness test on fourth grade students at Ibnu Yunsi IT Elementary School, it can be concluded that Al-Qur'an-based mathematics learning is effectively implemented in all elementary schools (SD) in the city of Binjai.</p>2024-07-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mardiyah Hayati