Publication Ethics

JURIN – Alifana International Journal is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics. All authors, reviewers, and editors are expected to adhere to the principles of ethical research and publishing, including but not limited to:

Originality and plagiarism: All submissions must be original and not duplicate or substantially resemble previously published work. Any instance of plagiarism will be taken seriously and may result in the rejection of submission or retraction of the published article.

Confidentiality: The content of the submission and any information about the review process must be kept confidential. Reviewers and editors may not share or discuss the content of the submission with any third party.

Conflicts of interest: All writers, reviewers, and editors must disclose conflicts of interest that may affect the impartiality of their work. Conflicts of interest can include financial, professional, or personal relationships that may influence the interpretation or assessment of the research.

Data fabrication and manipulation: Submissions must not contain falsified or manipulated data. Any instance of data fabrication or manipulation will result in a rejection of submission or retraction of a published article.