Overview of Self-Control In Maintaining Association For Overseas Students In The BKI Study Program UIN Ar Raniry Banda Aceh


  • Lula Kartika Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry


Self-Control, Socializing, Overseas Students


Self-control is very necessary for nomadic students to help them in facing life in a new environment so that they can maintain good associations while migrating in other people's areas. Low self-control in a person will positively lead to adverse consequences, while a person who has high self-control will show more execution in completing certain activities. A person who does not have the ability to make decisions, will usually be easily influenced by the environment and peers to do bad associations. Therefore, this study aims first, to find out the picture of self-control in overseas students in the BKI UIN Ar-Raniry Study Program who come from outside the city of Banda Aceh in maintaining associations. Second, to find out the factors that affect self-control in overseas students in the BKI UIN Ar-Raniry Study Program who come from outside the city of Banda Aceh in maintaining associations. This study uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological research method. The research subjects were selected using the purposive sampling technique and 4 subjects were found that met the criteria. Data collection uses observation, interview, and documentation methods. The results of the study showed that the nomadic students who were chosen as research subjects were able to control themselves in terms of socializing well during their migration in Banda Aceh which can be seen from the aspect of self-control, namely being able to control behavioral control, cognitive control and decision control The factors that affect the self-control of nomadic students in maintaining socialization during migration include themselves,  The surrounding environment which includes the residential environment/boarding house, the lecture and peer environment, and the parenting style taught from childhood





